Custer's Last Stand Map: A Historical Treasure


As a history enthusiast, I always find myself drawn to stories and events that shaped our world today. One of the most fascinating stories that I have recently come across is the Battle of Little Bighorn, also known as Custer’s Last Stand. The battle took place in 1876 between the United States Army and a coalition of Native American tribes. But what piqued my interest even more was the Custer’s Last Stand Map, which was recently discovered and has shed new light on the events of that fateful day.

The Discovery of the Map

The Custer’s Last Stand Map was discovered in 2018 by a collector who had purchased it at an auction. The map was created by Lieutenant Edward S. Godfrey, who was a survivor of the battle. It is said to be the only known map created by a participant of the battle, making it an invaluable historical treasure.

What Does the Map Show?

The Custer’s Last Stand Map is a detailed sketch of the battlefield, showing the positions of the US Army and the Native American tribes. It also shows the movements of General George Armstrong Custer and his men, as well as the locations of the different skirmishes that took place during the battle.

What Can We Learn from the Map?

The discovery of the Custer’s Last Stand Map has provided historians with new insights into the battle. For instance, it shows that Custer’s men were not surrounded by the Native American tribes as previously thought, but were rather attacked from different directions. It also shows that Custer was not the only leader of the US Army forces, as he was accompanied by two other officers who were also killed in the battle.

My Personal Experience

I was fortunate enough to view the Custer’s Last Stand Map in person at a museum exhibit. Seeing the map up close gave me a greater appreciation for its historical significance. It was surreal to think that I was looking at a document that was created by someone who had actually witnessed the Battle of Little Bighorn.


The discovery of the Custer’s Last Stand Map has provided us with a new perspective on one of the most infamous battles in American history. It has also reminded us of the importance of preserving historical artifacts and documents for future generations. The map serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by both the US Army and the Native American tribes during the Battle of Little Bighorn.

Question & Answer

What is the significance of the Custer’s Last Stand Map?

The map is significant because it was created by Lieutenant Edward S. Godfrey, who was a survivor of the Battle of Little Bighorn. It is the only known map created by a participant of the battle, making it an invaluable historical treasure.

What new insights does the map provide about the battle?

The map shows that Custer’s men were not surrounded by the Native American tribes as previously thought, but were rather attacked from different directions. It also shows that Custer was not the only leader of the US Army forces, as he was accompanied by two other officers who were also killed in the battle.

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FileBighornbattle en.png Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Battle from

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