How To Draw Fantasy Maps: Tips And Tricks


If you are a fantasy writer or a game designer, you might have found yourself in need of creating a map for your world. While it might seem like a daunting task, drawing fantasy maps can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks on how to draw fantasy maps that look great and convey the world you have in mind.

Personal Experience

As a fantasy writer myself, I have found that drawing a map of my world helps me visualize the settings and locations of my story. It also helps me keep track of the distances and travel times between different places. However, as someone who is not particularly artistic, I found it challenging to draw a map that looked good and made sense. That’s why I decided to research and learn some tips and tricks on how to draw fantasy maps.

Start With The Basics

The first step in drawing a fantasy map is to start with the basics. You need to decide on the size and shape of your world, the number of continents or islands, and the location of important landmarks such as mountains, rivers, and forests. Once you have a rough idea of the layout, you can start sketching your map using a pencil and paper.

Use References

If you are not sure how to draw a certain landform or terrain, don’t hesitate to use references. You can find plenty of inspiration online, whether it’s from real-world maps or other fantasy maps created by artists and writers. By using references, you can ensure that your map looks realistic and coherent.

Add Details and Labels

Once you have the basic layout of your map, it’s time to add details and labels. You can add cities, towns, and villages, as well as roads and trade routes. Make sure to label each location clearly so that readers can easily understand the geography of your world. You can also add symbols and icons to denote different features, such as castles, ruins, or magical sites.

Experiment With Colors and Textures

To make your map visually appealing, you can experiment with different colors and textures. You can use watercolors, colored pencils, or digital tools to add shading and depth to your map. You can also add textures to different landforms, such as rocky mountains or sandy deserts. Just make sure that the colors and textures don’t overwhelm the details and labels on your map.

Get Feedback and Revise

Once you have finished your map, it’s a good idea to get feedback from others. You can share your map with other writers, artists, or game designers and ask for their opinions. You can also post your map online and ask for feedback from your readers or fans. Based on the feedback, you can revise and improve your map until it looks great and serves its purpose.


Drawing fantasy maps can be a fun and creative process. By following these tips and tricks, you can create a map that not only looks great but also helps you visualize and communicate the world you have in mind. Remember to start with the basics, use references, add details and labels, experiment with colors and textures, and get feedback and revise your map until it’s perfect.

Question & Answer

Q: Do I need to be an artist to draw fantasy maps?
A: No, you don’t need to be an artist. With some basic drawing skills and the right tools, anyone can draw a fantasy map that looks great and makes sense. Q: What tools do I need to draw a fantasy map?
A: You can use a pencil and paper to sketch your map, or you can use digital tools such as Photoshop or Illustrator. You can also use watercolors, colored pencils, or other art supplies to add colors and textures to your map.

How To Draw A Fantasy Map
How To Draw A Fantasy Map from

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