Map Network Drive Command Line: A Beginner's Guide


Have you ever had trouble accessing files on a network drive? Maybe you’ve had to navigate through multiple folders and subfolders just to find the file you need. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this problem: the Map Network Drive Command Line. In this article, we’ll go over what this command is, how to use it, and some helpful tips to make your file navigation easier.

What is Map Network Drive Command Line?

Map Network Drive Command Line is a Windows command that allows you to map a network drive to a local drive letter. This means that you can access files on the network drive just as if they were stored on your own computer. By mapping a network drive, you can save time and effort by accessing files quickly and easily.

How to Use Map Network Drive Command Line

To use Map Network Drive Command Line, open the Command Prompt by typing “cmd” into the Windows search bar and pressing Enter. Then, type “net use” followed by the letter you want to assign to the network drive, and the path to the network drive. For example, if you want to map the network drive to the letter “Z:”, you would type:

net use Z: \\servername\sharedfolder

Once you press Enter, the network drive will be mapped to the letter you specified. You can then access the files on the network drive by opening Windows Explorer and navigating to the mapped drive.

Helpful Tips

Here are some helpful tips to make using Map Network Drive Command Line even easier:

  1. Use a letter that’s easy to remember. If you frequently access files on the network drive, choose a letter that’s easy to remember, such as “N” for “network.”
  2. Use the /persistent option. By adding the /persistent option to the end of the command, the mapped drive will be available even after you restart your computer. For example:

    net use Z: \\servername\sharedfolder /persistent:yes

  3. Disconnect the drive when you’re finished. To disconnect the mapped drive, type “net use” followed by the drive letter, and then “/delete.” For example:

    net use Z: /delete

Personal Experience

I work in a large organization where we frequently share files on a network drive. Before I learned about Map Network Drive Command Line, I would spend a lot of time navigating through folders trying to find the files I needed. Once I learned how to map the network drive to my computer, it made my work much easier and more efficient. Now, I can quickly access the files I need without having to waste time searching for them.

Question & Answer

Q: Can I map multiple network drives to my computer?
A: Yes, you can map multiple network drives to your computer. Simply use a different letter for each drive you want to map. Q: Can I map a network drive to a letter that’s already in use?
A: No, you cannot map a network drive to a letter that’s already in use. You’ll need to choose a different letter to assign to the network drive.


In conclusion, Map Network Drive Command Line is a powerful tool that can save you time and effort when accessing files on a network drive. By following the steps outlined in this article and using some helpful tips, you can make your file navigation much easier and more efficient. So why not give it a try and see how much time you can save?

Computer Service map network drive ด้วย Command prompt
Computer Service map network drive ด้วย Command prompt from

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