Exploring The Universe With Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map

My First Experience with Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map

As a space enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of exploring the universe. When I first heard about Elite Dangerous, a space simulation game, I knew I had to try it. I was blown away by the game’s vast universe, which is modeled after our own Milky Way galaxy. The game’s galaxy map is an essential tool for navigating this universe, and I soon found myself spending hours exploring its features.

What is Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map?

The Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map is a tool that allows you to explore the game’s universe. It’s a 3D representation of the Milky Way galaxy, complete with stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. You can use the map to plot courses, find new systems to explore, and learn more about the universe.

How to Use Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map

Using the galaxy map is easy. You can access it from the game’s main menu or from within your ship’s cockpit. Once you’re in the map, you can zoom in and out to explore different parts of the galaxy. You can also filter the map by various criteria, such as star type, population, and government type.

One of the most useful features of the map is the ability to plot courses. You can select a star system and plot a route to it, which will show you the fastest and safest way to get there. You can also use the map to find systems with specific features, such as planets with life or resources that you need.

Exploring the Galaxy

Exploring the galaxy is one of the main goals of Elite Dangerous. The game features over 400 billion star systems, each with its own unique features and challenges. Using the galaxy map, you can find new systems to explore, trade with, or fight in. You can also discover new planets, moons, and other celestial bodies, and even name them yourself.

Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map Tips and Tricks

If you’re new to Elite Dangerous, the galaxy map can be a little overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Use filters to find systems that meet your needs.
  • Plot courses to save time and fuel.
  • Look for systems with high population for trading opportunities.
  • Scan planets to discover new resources.

Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map Review

Overall, I think the Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map is an excellent tool for exploring the game’s vast universe. It’s easy to use and offers a wealth of information about each system. The ability to plot courses and filter by various criteria makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new player, the galaxy map is sure to enhance your Elite Dangerous experience.


The Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map is an essential tool for exploring the game’s vast universe. Whether you’re looking for new systems to explore, planets to scan, or resources to trade, the map has everything you need. By using filters and plotting courses, you can save time and fuel and make the most of your time in space. So why not take the leap and explore the universe today?

Question & Answer

Q: Can I use the Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map to find new star systems?

A: Yes, the galaxy map is an excellent tool for finding new systems to explore. You can filter the map by various criteria, such as star type and government type, to find systems that meet your needs.

Q: Can I use the galaxy map to plot a course to a specific planet?

A: Yes, you can select a planet or moon and plot a course to it using the galaxy map. This will show you the fastest and safest way to get there.

Q: Does the galaxy map show information about each system?

A: Yes, the galaxy map provides a wealth of information about each system, including its population, government type, and economy. You can use this information to find trading opportunities and other resources.

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